Tagged: database

Announcement: Updated Esqueleto text-search & PostGIS bindings []

I’ve updated the esqueleto bindings for esqueleto-textsearch to include a tutorial and documentation so it no longer requires guesswork. Furthermore I’ve also created new esqueleto bindings for PostGIS.


Esqueleto is a more advanced query library that builds on top of the persistent ORM3. Postgres text search brings …

BONUS Announcement mysql pure unfork []

Good news! I’ve come to an agreement with the maintainer of mysql-haskell, winterland. I’ll become a co-maintainer.

What this means in practice is that I’ll deprecate mysql-pure and merge the changes back into mysql-haskell. This will make upgrades far more convenient for users. That’s you! It …

Announcing mysql pure fork []

I’ve forked mysql-haskell and persistent-mysql-haskell into mysql-pure and persistent-mysql-pure. The original packages were no longer maintained and frequently caused me issues during GHC upgrades, so I decided to take over maintainership. For example, bounds were outdated, or I needed minor patches found on obscure branches in unrelated repositories. I …

The peculiar event sourced deadlock []

THE <abbr>UNDEAD</abbr> LOCK <abbr>OF</abbr> DETH

One thing that always surprises me is how casually serious problems are phrased by business people in their blissful ignorance. “Hey why am I seeing the down for maintenance screen?” “Oh try it now, the pack uploading has finished”, Said the QA engineer to the product manager. Once I saw …

Restoring mysql innodb on windows. []

Over the weekend a company had a power outage, causing corruption to the on premise hosted mysql innodb database. This means the company can’t do any work, so I had to fix this fast before they opened again on Monday. It’s not trivial because the system runs on …

Pragmatic Haskell III: Beam Postgres DB []

Note, I no longer recommend using beam for business as ORM. Please use persistent instead. Beam is far to complicated for it’s use case. Migrations can be run with postgresql-migration for example, using the suggested migrations from persistent. I’d only recommend using beam for hobby projects or as …